Bob Haynes
North Idaho Manager
Bob Haynes is an Idaho native. He received a BS(AgE) in 1966 and a MS(AgE) in 1969 from the University of Idaho.
He has been a registered professional engineer in Idaho since 1972. He worked for the Idaho Department of Water Resources or one of its predecessor agencies for 43 years. He began his career in 1968 at the Idaho Water Resource Board, working on the Board’s plan for the development and conservation of the states’ water resources. In 1972 Bob opened the IDWR regional office in Twin Falls that serves south-central Idaho. He transferred to Coeur d’Alene in 1975 and served as the regional manager of that office until his retirement from IDWR in June of 2011. Bob managed IDWR offices that dealt with IDWR regulatory programs such as adjudication, water rights, stream channel alteration, well drilling, and dam safety. In addition, Bob was involved with the department’s planning activities, such as chairing the citizen advisory committee that developed a management plan for the Rathdrum Prairie aquifer.